How Alkaline Foods Can Help Boost Digestive Health

Alkalinity can be defined as health, longevity and quality of life. Acidity, in simple terms, and in the minds of natural health practitioners, means sickness and death. If your cells, tissues and organs are acidic, then you should evaluate your diet so that you can maintain alkaline balance.

When it comes to foods, you must understand that there is a huge difference between “acidic foods” and ”acid-forming foods.” A good example is citrus fruits, which are truly acidic foods because they contain citric acid—until they enter the body. So just because lemons are acidic, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them.

In fact, a few drops of lemon juice in your water can be an alkaline booster. How does it work? During the process of digestion, foods change their chemistry. Energy is derived from foods by oxidation similar to the burning of fuel in a stove. And as in a stove, there is always an ash or residue. The residue that occurs in the human body as a result of the burning of foods is termed as “ash” and has a definite chemical reaction. Some foods leave an “acid ash” and are known as “acid-forming foods.” 

Other foods leave an “alkaline ash” and are known as “alkaline-forming foods.” To clarify this point, please remember that the acid and alkaline reaction described above occurs AFTER digestion and assimilation, and these terms do not indicate the chemistry of the foods BEFORE digestion. Therefore, do not assume that all acid foods are acid-forming and vice versa.

You should find a healthy balance between consumption of alkaline-forming foods and acid-forming foods. The best recommendation is to follow the 80/20 rule, where 80 percent of your foods are alkaline and only 20 percent of foods are acidic.