FDA approves estrogen spray to relieve menopause mayhem! – Issue 65

Dear Health-Conscious Friend,

If you’re a woman over 50, you’ve either seen a friend experience—or have personally experienced the discomforts of HORMONE HELL!

It might seem as though your body suddenly staged a mutiny—and you wake up rounder, moodier, older and sicker every day!

The FDA is offering a new solution—in the form of spray-on estrogen. You’ll find out why they say it could be a godsend for menopausal women in today’s Monday Edition of Health News Weekly™.

Plus, you’ll discover more healthy tips for protecting your heart, mind and body from damaging diseases.

So let’s not waste another minute!

New Estrogen Spray Touted as
Quick Relief for Hot Flashes

Layne Lowery

The first spray-on form of estrogen has received the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval as a safe, effective and convenient way for post-menopausal women to relieve hot flashes, a study shows.

A report in the medical journal Obstetrics & Gynecology said the spray called Evamist™ contains estradiol—a type of topical estrogen developed to treat moderate-to-severe menopausal symptoms in healthy women.

“This estradiol ’spray-on-patch’ is a treatment option for women who will benefit from the advantages of transdermal estradiol delivery but are intolerant of, or are not inclined to, use patches, gels or emulsions,” said Dr. John E. Buster, of Brown University in Providence, R.I., and colleagues.

The spray contains estradiol in ethanol, plus a skin-penetrating agent. The formula will stay beneath the skin’s surface for gradual release over a 24-hour period.

Women should spray the estradiol to the inside surface of the forearm where it dries clear in one minute. It can’t be rubbed or washed off, and it won’t transfer to other people.

In the study, 454 women with eight or more moderate-to-severe hot flashes per day were randomly assigned to receive one, two or three sprays of estradiol. The other women in the study received a daily placebo.

When compared with the placebo groups—all three estradiol groups showed significant reductions in the frequency and severity of hot flashes.

After 12 weeks, researchers said patients in the estradiol groups had eight fewer hot flashes per day on average compared to the start of the study. They noted that the reduction in the placebo groups was four to six fewer flashes.

Women given two or three sprays of estradiol showed significant reductions in the severity of symptoms at four and 12 weeks. And women treated with just one spray of estradiol showed a significant reduction in symptom severity after just five weeks.

The researchers said side effects were mild—and equal to those observed with using other topical products.

The results suggest the new spray “will be an attractive first choice for transdermal estradiol delivery,” the authors conclude.

Fast Fact

The fenugreek plant can help lower your blood sugar levels and may improve problems associated with type 2 diabetes. The seeds do have a bitter taste, so you might try supplements in capsule form. This can help you find sweet relief for your blood sugar imbalances—without the bitter aftertaste!

Obesity Causes Inflammation—
and Boosts Heart Failure Risk!

Roz Roscoe

Prolonged inflammation of heart tissue caused by obesity can boost your risk of heart failure. According to a HealthDay News report, researchers said blood chemicals in overweight study participants were key predictors of organ failure.

Recent findings from the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) provide the first large scale of evidence linking obesity-related inflammation with heart disease.

Nearly 7,000 people participated in the MESA study, which started in 2000. Dr. Joao Lima, a professor of medicine and radiology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the school’s Heart Institute, worked with colleagues to track the development of heart failure in an ethnically diverse group of people, aged 45 to 84.

The report stated that of the 79 participants who’ve developed congestive heart failure so far, 35 (44 percent) were physically obese—defined as having a body mass index of 30 or greater.

On average, obese participants were found to have higher blood levels of specific immune system proteins involved in inflammation. This includes the proteins interleukin 6, C-reactive protein and fibrinogen.

For example, researchers found that a near doubling of average interleukin 6 levels increased risk of heart failure by 84 percent!

“Our results showed that when the effects of other known disease risk factors—including race, age, sex, diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking, family history and blood cholesterol levels—were statistically removed from the analysis, inflammatory chemicals in the blood of obese participants stood out as key predictors of who got heart failure,” Lima said in a released statement.

He said these findings provide even more reason for obese people to lose weight, become more physically active and improve their eating habits.

Also found during the study was a link between inflammation and metabolic syndrome, which Lima indicated can double a patient’s chances of developing heart disease. According to published materials, metabolic syndrome is a collection of risk factors known to increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes. This includes obesity, high blood pressure, elevated blood glucose levels, excess abdominal fat and abnormal cholesterol levels.

The study was published in the May 6 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The MESA study is expected to continue tracking patients through 2012.

Health E-Hints

The Easiest Way to Add Years of Healthy Living!

It’s no secret that lifestyle choices can affect the way you age. Studies show one simple way to promote healthy aging involves eating foods rich in flavonoids.

These plant chemicals block the effects of harmful free radicals. This helps protect the cells in your organs from damage.

Some experts recommend at least 31 mg of flavonoids daily. You can boost your intake by drinking green tea (8 mg per cup), or by feasting on broccoli and strawberries—which provide about 4 mg each per cup.

These remarkable “food cures” can help you add more vibrant years of healthy living!