Complex Brain Networks May Lead To Pain Intensity In Fibromyalgia Patients

A brain disorder associated with fibromyaglia may cause intense pain episodes, according to a study conducted by Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of Michigan. Fibromyaliga (FM), a chronic pain disorder, can lead to several health complications, including drowsiness, memory problems and sensitivity to temperature. Previous studies have also found that these patients have more

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Childhood diet a factor in adult weight

The way you ate as a child may influence how your body uses and stores nutrients, a new Canadian study suggests. Research published in the Journal of Physiology suggests that environmental factors in early childhood such as eating habits may have an impact on later health. As part of the research, Dr Raylene Reimer and

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This All-Natural Treatment is a Godsend for Aching Joints!

Some inflammation in your body is good—to help protect you from dangerous organisms. But when your joints are stiff and you ache from head to toe—it could be a sign that you’ve joined the ranks of the 20 million Americans suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. A new study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis shows a key

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Side Effects of Hormone Therapy Eased by Acupuncture

Hormone therapy is a common treatment used to block estrogen that can fuel breast cancer growth. But new research shows acupuncture may be just as effective as an antidepressant at reducing depression and mood swings associated with the use of hormones. According to a statement from the American Cancer Society, taking the estrogen-blocking drug tamoxifen

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Common Drugstore Medications May Do More Harm than Good – Issue 20

Dear Health-Conscious Friend, Your body is designed to heal itself naturally. But sometimes you might look for outside help to try and speed the process. Sounds like a good idea, but… …sometimes you can choose products that might do more harm than good. For instance, thousands of people use common drugstore medications to relieve stomach

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