Running linked to improved bone health

You may already be aware that running can boost your cardiovascular health, but now scientists suggest this type of high-impact exercise can aid your bone health as well. Scientists from the University of Missouri looked at the benefits of different forms of exercise – cycling, jogging and resistance training – on people’s bone mineral density.

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Dialysis Dims Some Elderly Patients’ Vision

You might expect to experience some degree of vision loss as you age. But new study results show that dialysis patients may experience a more severe degree of vision loss. According to a Reuter’s health report, researchers from the University of Toronto examined 159 dialysis patients, aged 65 or older. The patients were evaluated for

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Simple Secrets To Naturally Improve Your Immune System

When it comes to allergies, common colds, inflammation and other health problems, the link to all these conditions is most often associated with an imbalance of your immune system. Ideally you want an immune system that’s boosted and balanced for optimum health. When your immune response is weakened it becomes overactive or hypersensitive and this

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FDA OKs Zapping Your Greens to Kill Potential Bacteria!

Peyton Posey In order to get rid of dangerous germs that can hide in lettuce and spinach plants—and then make it to your dinner table—the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will allow food producers to zap the leaves with low amounts of radiation to kill any traces of E. coli, salmonella or other bacterial germs.

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Have you heard about dementia drugs that can KILL? – Issue 64

Dear Health-Conscious Friend, It’s a fact that your brain does change as you get older. Studies show more than half of Americans over age 65 will experience difficulty recalling simple names and numbers. But a disturbing new report shows some of the drugs doctors use to treat dementia may do more harm than good! In

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Lupus Patients May Be At A Greater Risk For Developing Cardiovascular Disease

Individuals who suffer from lupus, a chronic inflammatory disease, may be at a higher risk for developing cardiovascular disease. According to findings that were published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism, the increase of anti-apolipoprotein (anti-Apo A-I), anti-high-density lipoprotein (anti-HDL) and anti-C-reactive protein (anti-CRP) in lupus patients may contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, which

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