Health E-Hint: Don’t Let Stress Ruin Your Sleep Schedule

If you find yourself nodding off at the office or home, you may be suffering from fatigue brought on by a lack of sleep. According to the book The Insomnia Workout, author Stephanie Silberman, Ph.D., suggests getting ample amounts of sleep—and not letting your daily stresses wreck your sleep schedule.

If you find yourself tossing and turning, Silberman recommends “thought stopping” or picturing a stop sign each time your mind starts to worry.

Another technique is called progressive muscle relaxation. This involves the tightening and releasing of muscle groups. Silberman suggests starting with your toes and working your way up your entire body in five second increments. Continue to breathe calmly.

Other tips include avoiding caffeine… taking a hot bath two to four hours before bedtime… keeping your alarm clock turned away from your line of sight… and no watching TV in bed.

Before you know it, your worries will have melted away and you will be refreshed and ready to start another day!