How To Stop Seasonal Viruses, Colds And Germs Once-And-For-All

It may surprise you to know that more than 98 percent of the flu viruses circulating in the United States have been found to be resistant to antiviral drugs. However, if you naturally boost and strengthen your immune system year-round, then you will be able to defend your body from flu viruses, seasonal bugs and other immunity-decreasing ailments.

Your immune system is your body’s defense against infectious organisms and invaders. It’s made up of a complicated network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect your body. White blood cells—also called “leukocytes”—have the “pac-man” kind of ability to travel throughout your body and devour bacteria, viruses and toxins that cause disease. The more healthy white blood cells there are in your body—the stronger your immune system!

You have two basic types of leukocytes. Phagocytes are cells that chew up invading organisms. Lymphocytes are cells that allow your body to remember and recognize previous invaders and help the body destroy them.

Antibodies are specialized proteins that recognize and trap bacteria, viruses and toxins. Once these foreign substances are “tagged,” your body’s T cells—also called “killer cells”—can easily destroy them.

So why do we continue to get sick? Because your immune system fails to go into action fast enough and your immune system gets beaten down and worn out. This is mainly due to a poor diet… stress… environmental pollutants… overuse of prescription and over-the-counter meds… and global living resulting in overcrowding.

But there are several natural nutrients that can boost your body’s defenses to ward off allergies, colds, sinus problems, invading flu germs and more. With a powerful combination of astragalus, scute, Reishi mushroom, andrographis and isatis, you can protect your delicate immune system and fight back against your environment’s worst seasonal cold bugs.