The surprising connection between “senior moments” and SALT! – Issue 67

Dear Health-Conscious Friend, Forgetting things can be so frustrating! It can make you spend precious time searching for a lost wallet or keys… or cause embarrassment when you can’t remember someone’s name… or have you driving in circles to find a destination! The good news is—scientists may have identified a surprising cause for memory lapses.

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Study: Gut bacteria may boost immunity

New research has found that friendly bacteria found in the human digestive tract help rally the immune system against the parasite responsible for toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by protozoan Toxoplasma gondii that mostly affects cats but can also be transferred to humans. Although the infection is typically mild, it can be dangerous for

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Study Links Birth Weight Gene To Diabetes

Mothers who give birth to babies with low birth weight may want to monitor their child’s health as they grow, as a new study is suggesting that babies that are born at a low weight have a stronger chance of developing type 2 diabetes. According to a report published in the journal, Nature Genetics, researchers

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