New Study Shines Hope that Green Tea May Help Prevent Cancer

A study in Cancer Prevention Research suggests that while some doctors have been reluctant to endorse the herbal supplement as a cancer preventer, more evidence is mounting to back up that notion. Researchers distributed green tea extracts to 41 patients with oral pre-malignant lesions for three months of three doses a day. It was found

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Well-Educated People Experience More Rapid Memory Loss, Study Concludes – Issue 32

Dear Health-Conscious Friend, Age related memory loss affects millions of Americans each year. But you may be surprised to learn why some researchers say earning your college degree could actually SPEED UP the process!Read on for more information about these surprising study results… …And find out why government recommendations for vitamin E could be far

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Higher Vitamin B Intake May Improve Heart Health

Increasing intake of different types of vitamin B may better prevent cardiovascular-related diseases, according to findings published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association. During a study, a team of researchers surveyed more than 58,500 people aged 40 to 70 years about their eating habits, and examined the collected information. After 14 years of

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