Link Between HRT and Breast Cancer Strengthened

Breast cancer cases in the U.S. began to fall as a large number of women ceased hormone replacement therapy (HRT), new research reveals. Findings published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggest that HRT may raise a woman’s risk of cancer, particularly if she continues treatment for more than two years. Oncologist Dr. Rowan

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Increased Physical Activity May Alleviate Insomnia Symptoms

Regular aerobic exercise may prove beneficial to individuals who suffer from insomnia, according to a study conducted at Northwestern University. Over the course of 16 weeks, researchers observed 23 individuals aged 55 years and older who had been diagnosed with symptoms of the sleeping disorder, including abnormal sleep patterns and the inability to function properly

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Survey: Americans spend billions on alternative medical treatments

In a sign of continued growth in the popularity of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), a study has found Americans are spending billions on non-conventional medical treatments. According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the National Institutes of Health, Americans spent $33.9 billion on CAM in 2007. CAM procedures include herbal

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Low-Carb Diet May Benefit Prostate Health

Men may now have more reasons than just weight loss to reduce their carbohydrate intake as scientists have found restricting carbohydrates may slow the growth of prostate tumors. Based on animal studies, researchers at the Duke Prostate Center determined that insulin and an insulin-like growth factor contribute to the growth and proliferation of prostate cancer,

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Plastic surgery may expose you to deadly infections! – Issue 52

Dear Health-Conscious Friend, As you age, you probably want to continue feeling and looking great. Some folks feel a little “nip and tuck” is the best way to achieve this goal. But a new report links this popular cosmetic surgery with a dangerous infection. This drug-resistant “superbug” infects more than 90,000 Americans each year. Plus,

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