Study: Birth complications can be reduced by treating mild gestational diabetes

A National Institute of Health study is the first to test whether treating even the mildest cases of gestational diabetes is beneficial. The results of the study, published in this month’s New England Journal of Medicine, find that treatment can reduce common birth complications as well as the risk of blood pressure disorders among mothers.

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Scientists: Circadian rhythm influences memory

The state of a person’s internal body clock may play a strong role in their ability to learn and remember information, researchers claim. A team at Stanford University studied the behavior of a group of hamsters whose circadian system had been disabled. They found that the animals were unable to remember aspects of their environment,

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Proper vitamin E intake may prevent lung disease in women

Middle-aged women who have a healthy level of vitamin E intake in their diet can lower the risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by 10 percent, according to a study presented at the American Thoracic Society’s annual International Conference in New Orleans. A team of researchers led by Anne Hermetet Agler, a doctoral

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Proper Vitamin D Intake May Lead To Healthy Weight Loss

Following a diet enriched with vitamin D may be associated with achieving better weight loss results, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Over the course of two years, more than 300 individuals aged 40 to 60 who were considered overweight followed three different diets, which all featured foods that

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Tomatoes Pack A Nutritious Punch

It is rarely contested that tomatoes are good for you. In the wake of recent scientific inquiry, however, researchers are saying that tomatoes may be better for health and well-being than previously thought. A study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine found that consuming tomatoes may reduce the extent of heart disease, life

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Dietary supplement’s benefits persist for a decade

Individuals who took a nutritional supplement called Factor D continued to have a lower gastric cancer rate 10 years after supplementation ceased, a new study has found. This is the conclusion scientists have drawn from long-term follow-up data from the randomized, double-blind General Population Nutrition Intervention Trial in Linxian, China. The trial followed 29,584 adults

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