White tea – a fountain of youth?

If recent research results are further confirmed, scientists may have stumbled upon a discovery that can change the way we approach disease prevention and aging. Researchers from Kingston University in London, in collaboration with Neal’s Yard Remedies, tested 21 plant and herb extracts for their medicinal properties and found that white tea consistently outperformed them

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Research touts benefits of vegetarian diet

Vegetarian diets, if properly executed, can be healthy and in fact protect against chronic diseases in infants and elderly alike, researches have said. The recommendations have come from the American Dietetic Association, which has released an updated position paper on vegetarian diets that appears in the July issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic

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Vegetables Containing Luteolin May Prevent Memory Loss Later In Life

Eating a diet enriched with luteolin may help stave off symptoms that can lead to cognitive complications, according to findings published in the Journal of Nutrition. This is because the nutrient removes toxins from the body that can lead to inflammation of the brain, which speeds up developing memory problems. Foods that produce this nutrient

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Your Liver Is Responsible For Breaking Down Fats

Your liver is one of the most important organs in your body and is responsible for breaking down fats… converting glucose to glycogen… producing amino acids… storing essential vitamins and minerals… producing beneficial cholesterol… and filtering harmful substances from your blood, just to name a few. Your liver also produces a key antioxidant known as

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Study Finds Increased Likelihood Of Memory Problems In Cancer Survivors

People with a history of cancer may be more susceptible to cognitive issues, according to research presented at the Science of Cancer Health Disparities conference. For the trial, more than 9,800 people aged 40 years and older were surveyed about their dietary regimens and overall health, and among the group, a total of 1,305 previously

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Inflammation linked to obesity

A so-called master switch of inflammation may play a part in determining whether a person becomes obese, new research suggests. In a mouse study, scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of California-San Diego looked at how the process of overeating affects the brain. The findings, published in the journal Cell, reveal that

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Vitamin D deficiency linked to infection during pregnancy

As researchers are uncovering ever more evidence of vitamin D’s role in maintaining a healthy immune system, some of them have turned to it for an explanation of bacterial vaginosis (BV) infections. BV may lead to a variety of complications, including preterm birth, and scientists from the University of Pittsburgh and the Magee-Womens Research Institute

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