Vitamin B9 Supplementation May Reduce Rate Of Colon Cancer In Children

Besides ensuring the proper development of a baby’s nervous system, folic acid can reduce the risk of a number of birth defects. Now, researchers are saying that its protective effects may even extend to a child’s later risk of colon cancer. A study published in the medical journal Gut found that laboratory rodents fed folic

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Walking Can Boost Your Body And Mind

Walking is one of the simplest forms of exercise because you can enjoy it at most all ages and it’s not hard to incorporate into your daily routine. You can take time to walk before or after work, or during your lunch break. Even walking around indoors while you do chores or talk on the

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Take Steps Now To Avoid Acid Overload In Your Cells And Tissues

We take care of our major organs such as the heart and the brain. But what about overall health when it comes to alkaline balance in your cells and tissues? Acid overload, or unbalanced alkalinity, can lead to a weakened heart and decreased circulation… irregular digestion and bowel movements… joint and muscle aches… increased fatigue

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Fainted At The Site Of Your Own Blood

If you’ve ever fainted at the sight of your own blood, it could be due to a hard-wired response in your brain, according to researchers at the Center for Syncope and Autonomic Disorders. A condition called vasovagal syncope occurs when your blood pressure drops and reduces the flow of blood to the brain, therefore causing

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Stroke survivors may improve balance with tai chi

Tai chi may provide another tool among health resources available to recent stroke victims, a new study suggests. Proponents argue that tai chi may improve balance and minimize falls, and Christina Hui-Chan, head of physical therapy at the University of Illinois at Chicago, tested whether the benefits would extend to stroke victims. Hong Kong residents

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Continuous Fluorescent Light Exposure May Increase Nutrition Levels In Spinach

Nutritional levels found in spinach may improve when exposed to fluorescent lighting used in grocery stores, according to findings published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. Prior studies have found that spinach is a high source of antioxidants, folate and vitamins C, D and K. Spinach is normally sold in clear plastic containers

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