Participating In Physical Activities Can Slow A Body’s Aging Process, Study Finds

Individuals who exercise regularly could reduce their risk of developing a physical or mental condition as well as slow down their body’s aging process, according to a new study published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice. The research indicates that being physically active is an important lifestyle choice a person can make in order

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Algae May Protect Brain From ALS, Researchers Say

Studies have previously shown that algae is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Now, recent scientific findings suggest that eating blue-green algae may prevent Lou Gehrig’s disease, too. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive brain condition that causes motor neurons, which are the nerves that control voluntary

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Indian Herb Is Loaded With Antioxidants

Whether they take multivitamins or herbal supplements for their health, many Americans invest in dietary supplements in order to make sure they are getting plenty of nutrients, minerals and antioxidants. Recently, scientists at the Central Food Technological Research Institute said that a tasty source of antioxidants may be sitting on your spice rack. It’s called

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On the complex role of eggs in cardiovascular health

Although eggs are believed to increase the level of cholesterol, new research has suggested they may also reduce blood pressure. Canadian scientists have reported they identified egg proteins in laboratory tests that act like a popular group of prescription medications in lowering blood pressure. Specifically, they were able to isolate several different peptides in boiled

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Zinc Plays Critical Role In Brain Health

Taking vitamin supplements that contain folate, omega-3 fatty acids, iron and zinc is one way that many Americans try to improve their cardiovascular and neural health. The latter mineral may actually have something to do with proper neurological function, as explained in a recent study published in the journal Neuron. Researchers at Duke University Medical

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Baking With Soybean Oil May Lower Saturated, Trans Fat Intake

Incorporating soybean oil in baking recipes may lead to improved cardiovascular health, according to a study published in the journal BMC Plant Biology. Saturated and trans fat, which are commonly found in margarine, cake mixes and name brand cookies, can lead to health problems if one consumes high amounts of both fats. In an effort

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Ways To Help Control Your Cholesterol Levels

Many people who are trying to watch their cholesterol levels often exclude eggs from their diet. But there is a difference between blood cholesterol and dietary cholesterol and the part they play in your health. Cholesterol is a fatlike substance found in certain foods and released by your liver. It’s responsible for hormone, bile and

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Researchers link immune cell activity to COPD

Researchers have discovered a link between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the immune system. According to a study published in the American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine, dendritic cells, which increase immune activity, may play a key role in the development of COPD. “We found that dendritic cells, a type of immune cell

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Experts Push Vitamin-Rich Vegetables

Eating right, with plenty of fruits and vegetables is not always easy, which is why many Americans take vitamin tablets and . Many health experts say that vegetable-sourced nutrients are a key ingredient in good bodily health. Suggestions for adding more produce to one’s diet recently appeared in the Baltimore Sun. These included replacing pasta

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