Yoga and meditation can help with weight loss

We already know that eating well, exercising and taking nutritional supplements can promote a lean, healthy body. Now, research conducted by a group of New Zealand scientists has found that adding yoga, meditation or another relaxation activity to your regular routine could help you shed additional pounds. The scientists compared the results of three groups

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Red Wine Chemical May Slow Cancers When Combined With Immunosuppressant

Scientists working at the Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute have announced that a compound found in red wine may help prevent cancer growth, if combined with a common immunosuppressant. The team wrote in the journal Cancer Letters that reservatrol, a polyphenol molecule, has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Likewise, rapamycin – a common immune suppressing

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Omega-3 Fatty Acids Boost Your Heart And Joint Health

Powerful anti-inflammatory agents known as omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the symptoms associated with joint pain, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, poor memory and mood swings. In fact, hundreds of scientific studies have clinically proven the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids found in all-natural krill oil. Here are just a few of the

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Overweight Individuals May be at Greater Risk for Loss of Neurological Function

Individuals who are overweight may want to consider dropping a few pounds with the help of an alkaline diet – rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables – as a new study suggests that overweight middle-aged adults are at a greater risk for losing their cognitive function later in life. According to findings published in

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Discover The Importance Of Adequate Vitamin D Levels

Once upon a time, you could get an abundance of vitamin D just by sitting or working out in the sun for a moderate amount of time each day. Adequate vitamin D intake is important because it can help strengthen bones… normalize blood pressure… boost heart function… enhance memory power… soothe aching joints… balance blood

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Study: Vitamin B6 may help with prostate cancer survival

Increasing intake of vitamin B6 may help men with early-stage prostate cancer increase their survival odds, according to a new study. The study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests there’s evidence of a link between higher levels of the vitamin and better therapeutic outcome. Researchers have discovered that those diagnosed with early-stage prostate

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Omega-3 Fatty Acids Could Prevent Endometriosis

Women whose diets are rich with foods that have the nutritional supplement Omega-3 fatty acids may have a lower risk of developing endometriosis, a serious condition that occurs when pieces of the womb’s lining grow outside of the womb. Although some women who suffer from the condition experience no symptoms, many females experience excruciating stomach

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