Iron Deficiency During Pregnancy May Lead To Asthma In Children

Not getting enough dietary iron is a big enough problem for fully grown adults, but during pregnancy a developing fetus can be particularly vulnerable to anemia. Herbal supplements and other nutritional health supplements may be able to help. Babies who were exposed to iron deficiency in utero are more likely to be underweight than those

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Vitamin B May Protect Against Memory Problems, Alzheimer’s Disease

Increasing one’s intake of B-complex vitamins may help prevent cognitive degeneration, according to a study conducted at the Methodist Hospital in Houston. During the recent trial, patients enrolled had been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which can lead to developing Alzheimer’s diseases or other forms of dementia. Over the course of two years, participants

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Flu can increase heart attack risk

New research suggests getting the flu can increase the risk of having a heart attack. Researchers at the UCL Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology in London looked at 39 studies conducted between 1932 and 2008 and found that heart attacks were more common during flu season, especially in patients with heart disease or diabetes. “Most

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Vitamin B Supplementation May Reduce PMS Symptoms

Keeping one’s levels of dietary vitamins and nutrients high can have numerous positive health effects, health experts have found. One of these benefits is a significant lessening of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), according to recent research. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that taking a daily dose

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