Research: Sugar restriction may kill colon cancer cells

Scientists believe cutting off sugar from colon cancer cells can lead to their starvation and death, and may offer new therapeutic options in the treatment of this deadly disease. Almost half of all colon cancer patients carry KRAS mutations, which are sometimes also accompanied by BRAF mutations, and researchers from the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer

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The Deadly Dozen of Prescription Drugs!

Peyton Posey Nowadays, almost every prescription and over-the-counter drug on the market sports a warning label of potential side effects. That’s because pharmaceutical companies are all about raking in HUGE profits, which means what’s best for your health is likely to take a backseat! Reports show five out of six Americans age 65 or older

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Vitamin D Optimizes Treatment For Pulmonary Disease

While taking vitamin supplements is an easy way for individuals to maintain adequate nutrient levels, researchers are saying that it may also be a simple way to improve long-term outcomes among adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). A team of Belgian scientists announced this phenomenon at the American Thoracic Society’s 2011 International Conference in

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Nutrition Experts Say Whole Milk Has Health Benefits

Drinking whole milk may entail a number of health benefits, according to studies collected by the Washington Post. The newspaper has joined the lively debate over whether full-fat dairy products may improve health or prevent chronic diseases. It mentioned a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that found that drinking whole milk

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