Retinoic Acid May Suppress Early Stages Of Breast Cancer

Conventional wisdom holds that eating carrots – or taking herbal supplements that contain vitamin A – is good for your eyes. Health authorities largely agree with this notion, since carrots and other vegetables contain retinol, also known as vitamin A, which is crucial in the production of the metabolite retinal, a molecule that is essential

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Fast Fact

Could you be dehydrated? It’s possible that you don’t get enough fluids from your daily beverages and foods. One sure sign is to examine the color of your urine. Nutritionists agree your urine should have a pale yellow color. If yours is darker—it’s a sign you could soon experience headaches… fatigue… nausea… constipation… or even

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Could blood sugar regulation prevent memory decline?

Keeping blood glucose levels steady could help prevent age-related cognitive decline, according to new research published in the Annals of Neurology. Scientists at the Taub Institute for Research say that when blood sugar rises it affects the hippocampus, which is the area of the brain associated with learning and memory. Furthermore, they posit that this

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MRI Exams May Delay Breast Cancer Treatment and Outcomes!

Tiffany Lowery Women who receive an MRI after being newly diagnosed with breast cancer may face treatment delays, a new study shows. What’s more, they are more likely to undergo a painful mastectomy rather than reconstructive surgery! Study findings presented at the 2008 ASCO Breast Cancer Symposium shows that MRI scans in women newly diagnosed

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