Health E-Hint: Brighten Your Mood With a Change In Color!

During chilly winter months, you might find yourself experiencing a downturn in your mood… a lack of interest in many activities… or maybe even feel disconnected from family and friends. But don’t let it get you down. According to Nancy Stone, Ph.D., a simple change in colors can help brighten your mood and stimulate peaceful

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Fast Fact

Worried about contracting bacterial infections from common kitchen items? If so, be sure to sanitize all surfaces that come in contact with raw meat or poultry. For instance, wash your cutting board and counters with regular detergent and rinse with hot water. Afterwards soak or spray it with a solution of one part white vinegar

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Study suggests stem cells could be used to treat eye diseases

Researchers in Israel have called their new finding an exciting step towards the future use of cell replacement therapies to treat devastating degenerative eye diseases that cause millions of people worldwide to lose their sight. The scientists with the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem were able to transplant animal retinas with cells derived from

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Link found between stress and depression

New research suggesting a link between severe stress and depression may offer the possibility for new health resources and treatment for those suffering from depression. Dr. Tibor Hajzsan and researchers from Yale University have linked stress-related reductions of synapses in the hippocampal region of the brain with depression-like symptoms in animals, suggesting that it is

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Failed Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction May Lead To Heart Problems

Men who avoid treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) may be putting themselves at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, according to a study published in The Journal for Sexual Medicine. During a recent trial, researchers monitored the use of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5is), a type of ED treatment, in a total of 11,889

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Estrogen Therapy Linked To Ovarian, Breast Cancer

Use of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) may increase a postmenopausal woman’s risk of ovarian cancer, according to findings published in the journal Cancer Research. Furthermore, ERT may advance breast cancer, which starts in lymph nodes located under the arms. Researchers gave hormone treatments to mice that developed estrogen receptor positive ovarian cancer, a form of

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Loneliness Linked To High Blood Pressure In Older Individuals

Elderly individuals may want to take such as potassium to lower their blood pressure, as feelings of loneliness may increase their levels. According to researchers from the University of Chicago, feeling lonely increases the blood pressure rate of individuals who are 50 years old and up. The scientists examined the possibility that loneliness could bring

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