The Role Cholesterol Plays In Your Overall Health

Many people who are trying to watch their cholesterol levels often exclude eggs from their diet. But there is a difference between blood cholesterol and dietary cholesterol and the part they play in your health. Cholesterol is a fatlike substance found in certain foods and released by your liver. It’s responsible for hormone, bile and

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Health E-Hint: Common Medical Tests May Trip Airport Security Alarms!

Tighter airport security requirements can make traveling a bit more frustrating. But imagine being stopped when you set off the alarms—and having no clue as to why it’s happening! You should know that some diagnostic tests—such as heart, bone or thyroid scans—use radioactive material that can leave traces of radioactivity in your body for up

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A Dose of Good Bacteria Helps Relieve Your Digestive Disorder!

A new study in France shows that the absence of a specific bacterium in your intestines could be a possible cause of the chronic inflammatory intestinal disorder known as Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease symptoms can vary from person to person and flare-ups can range from mild to severe. Some common symptoms include: Chronic diarrhea Abdominal

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Learn How To Balance Estrogen Levels For Optimum Health

Estrogen dominance is a frequent health concern for both men and women. An overabundance of estrogen is associated with a variety of health concerns in men and women such as weight gain—especially belly fat, hot flashes, uncomfortable menopausal symptoms, vaginal dryness and reduced sexual desire, bloating and water retention, occasionally irregular or skipped menstrual cycles,

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A Surprising Weapon Helps Banish Back, Hip and Knee Pain!

Millions of people suffer from swollen fingers… crippling backaches… and clattering knees caused by arthritis. Some of you resort to prescription and over-the-counter painkillers for relief. But a new study from the University of Missouri found that adults in exercise programs that taught proper exercise habits significantly increased their physical activity. When compared to patients

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Grapes May Decrease Factors For Heart Disease And Diabetes

Individuals who are concerned about their risk for heart disease and diabetes may want to incorporate grapes into their diet, as a new study is suggesting the fruit can help combat these potentially life threatening conditions. According to researchers from the University of Michigan Health System, after testing the effects of grapes on laboratory rats,

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