Probiotics as popular as ever

Within the past year, more than 200 new food products have emerged in grocery stores around the country containing probiotics, the good bacteria that has been shown to improve a person’s digestive health, according to a study. Datamonitor, a market research firm, found that aside from various yogurt products, which are known to carry the

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‘Good’ Cholesterol Knocks Cancer Risk Down A Notch

Consuming omega-3 fatty acids is an essential part of any health regimen, numerous health authorities have stated. These unsaturated fats encourage good heart health and reduce inflammation. Now, scientists are saying that high-density lipoprotein (HDL) – the so-called good cholesterol that is boosted by omega-3s – may reduce the risk of colon cancer. Research conducted

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Vitamin K deficiency linked to age-related diseases

New scientific analysis suggests that a vitamin deficiency may be linked to some age-related conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, bone fragility, calcification of the arteries and kidneys, and even cancer. The study, done by researchers at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute, suggests the importance of optimal vitamin K intake to prevent these diseases. It tested

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Study: Severe Asthma Linked To Lung Health Decline Between Childhood And Adolescence

In the past thirty years, the rate of childhood asthma has risen dramatically. Now, a group of immunologists has said that experiencing severe asthma as a child may increase an individual’s risk of reduced lung function as a teen. Among children with moderate to severe asthma, the noticeable presence of coughing, wheezing and sensitivity to

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