Nutritional Supplements May Be Key to Preventing Diabetic Retinopathy

While some diabetes patients rely on such as cinnamon to lower their blood sugar, scientists are currently trying to find additional vitamins that may help prevent diabetic retinopathy (DR), which can potentially blind patients suffering from the disease. According to a study found in the American Academy of Ophthalmology journal, vitamins C, E and magnesium

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Stress can impair decision-making, scientists say

These days, stress seems to be a near-unavoidable part of daily life, with troubling headlines about the stock market, job outlook and climate change dominating the news. Now, scientists have discovered more about how stress affects people’s ability to make important decisions. Researchers at the University of Washington conducted a rat test which suggested that

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Anti-inflammation Drug May Help Prevent Skin Cancer

While an alkaline diet may help reduce inflammation, a new study suggests that those who take certain medications for the problem may be receiving multiple health benefits. Researchers from Stanford’s School of Medicine wanted to conduct further research that the popular anti-inflammation drug known as Celecoxib can help prevent skin cancer after conducting research in

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Hypnotherapy Could Ease The Pain Of IBS

Individuals who suffer from painful digestive troubles may not always need to take risky prescription drugs to find relief. Instead, they may turn to alternative health resources to treat their condition without the chance of experiencing harmful side effects. Patients who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may want to try hypnotherapy as a cure,

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Slow Breathing May Help Alleviate Pain

While such as glucosamine and omega-3 fatty acids can help alleviate pain, researchers are now saying that breathing techniques may help ease various discomforts. Researchers from the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University found that chronic pain sufferers, also known as fibromyalgia patients, were less likely to report feeling pain when they breathed slower.

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