Childhood diet a factor in adult weight

The way you ate as a child may influence how your body uses and stores nutrients, a new Canadian study suggests. Research published in the Journal of Physiology suggests that environmental factors in early childhood such as eating habits may have an impact on later health. As part of the research, Dr Raylene Reimer and

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Eggs Show Potential for Lowering Blood Pressure

After years of being maligned for raising people’s cholesterol, eggs have recently been cleared of that charge, as well as linked to many health benefits. Now, Canadian researchers are reporting that eggs may have an additional positive effect: reducing your blood pressure. Findings published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry suggest that both

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State-Wide Reports Encourage Healthy Eating, More Exercise

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota (Blue Cross) and the Minnesota Department of Health recently addressed the obesity epidemic in Minnesota, and suggested ways to improve the health in the state, according to a report in Physical Activity and Health Eating in Minnesota: Addressing the Root Causes of Obesity. Despite residents acknowledging the health

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Proteins are good, but their source is also important

Proper protein intake is crucial to muscle functioning, and proteins support nearly every biochemical process inside the body. However, nutritionists increasingly agree that some protein sources are better than others. In particular, studies have linked overconsumption of animal-derived proteins with problems ranging from digestive disorders and heart disease to cancer. By contrast, plants and plant-derived

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Probiotic nutritional supplements can help with bowel problems

A new probiotic has been identified that may help ease the symptoms of those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is an uncomfortable condition which affects up to 20 percent of American adults, with symptoms that include cramping abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea. Now, researchers at the University of Sheffield say that nutritional

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