Low-Carbohydrate Dietary Regimen Proven Beneficial To Obese Women

Women who are overweight may benefit from following a carbohydrate-reduced diet in order to lose weight, according to findings presented at The Endrocrine Society’s Annual Meeting. During a three-month trial, researchers from the University of Nevada School of Medicine enrolled 45 female participants aged 18 to 65 years old with insulin resistance. The team split

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For Whistle-Clean Arteries, Turn To Natural Chelation Nutrient

These days, the prescribed solution in the United States for heart problems is often invasive, dangerous and expensive surgery, with dubious results. The New England Journal of Medicine says open-heart surgery “appears neither to prolong life nor prevent myocardial infarction (heart attack).” This is a serious procedure that at its best addresses only a small part of the vascular system, leaving the rest of the problem unresolved. That

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Research: Citrus fruit ingredient may prevent obesity

Scientists believe naringenin, a flavonoid derived from citrus fruit, may be useful in preventing weight gain and the onset of metabolic syndrome. Both of these conditions are believed to be strong contributing factors to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which in addition to their individual impact also carry significant public health costs. In the

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