Supplement combination may boost bone health in women

DHEA supplementation in combination with vitamin D and calcium may increase bone density in older women, according to new research. DHEA is a naturally occurring steroid hormone produced in the adrenal gland, gonads and brain, whose low levels have been linked to lower bone density. Scientists from Saint Louis University and Washington University divided women

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New Study Finds Green Tea Ingredient May Help Fight Brain Diseases

An ingredient found in the natural supplement green tea may help treat brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s. According to a study published in Natural Chemical Biology, mixing EGCG, a green tea ingredient, with the chemical DAPH-12 may help destroy amyloids—proteins that can lead to brain diseases. Some feel this study is significant

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Study: High Blood Pressure Found In Manic Bipolar Patients

High blood pressure is becoming more common in patients who are hospitalized for bipolar disorder, according to findings presented at the American Psychiatric Association’s annual meeting. In fact, researchers have found that the younger the patient is, the higher risk they are at for developing the condition. In an effort to determine the association between

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Expert pushes for CAM in healthcare reform

The Obama administration should look closely into how to incorporate complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) into healthcare reform efforts, according to an editorial in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. A new model for healthcare should include evidence-based methods of prevention, chiropractic and CAM, writes Daniel Redwood, associate professor at Cleveland Chiropractic College. This

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Is Your Calcium Supplement Helping or Hurting You?

A new study shows that a deficiency in your calcium to magnesium ratio—two key minerals essential for bone health—could result in the risk of cancerous growths in your colon. The Calcium Polyp Prevention Study examined 930 men during a four-year period to determine whether calcium supplementation affects the rate of colorectal adenomas—or polyps in your

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