Researchers Unravel the Mystery of How Aging Undermines Bone Healing

Painful bone breaks can leave you confined to a wheelchair—or possibly send you to a nursing home! But new research to explain how aging slows—or even prevents—healing of broken bones provides hope for potential treatments designed to restore lost healing capability! Researchers from the University of Rochester Medical Center focused their current study on the

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Study: Vegetarian Diet May Reduce Bodily Phosphorus Levels In Kidney Disease Patients

Eating vegetables and avoiding heavy meats may contribute to more a healthier heart. Findings published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology suggest that eating a plant-based diet may improve blood-phosphorus levels in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). In the recent study, researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine reported

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Study Suggests Mediterranean Diet Could Be Good for the Brain

Individuals who follow an alkaline diet that focuses on the consumption of whole grains, vegetables and fruits may want to consider expanding their horizons to a similar diet know as the Mediterranean, which also incorporates fish and fatty acids. Findings that were presented during the American Academy of Neurology’s 62nd Annual Meeting indicated that individuals

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