
When you hear the word “cholesterol,” many people associate it with a negative health problem. True, elevated low-density (LDL) cholesterol levels can contribute to heart disease and poor circulation. But healthy high-density (HDL) cholesterol is responsible for providing cell membrane structure and insulating nerve cells in your brain. Be sure to have your doctor check

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Study: HRT increases breast cancer risk

Women who receive hormone replacement therapy may be increasing their risk of developing breast cancer, new research suggests. Findings presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium sound a warning bell about menopausal hormone therapy that consists of estrogen plus progestin, linking it to an increase the deadly disease. Lead researcher Rowan Chlebowsky of Harbor-UCLA

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Beating seasonal allergies without medication

The fall is a tough season for some outdoor allergy sufferers with weed pollens like ragweed, sagebrush, pigweed, tumbleweed and cocklebur causing sneezing, watery eyes and itchy, runny noses. There is relief without the use of over-the-counter or prescription medications, however. According to a recent article, knowing what triggers allergy symptoms is important. The

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Vitamin D Could Affect Cognitive Function Of Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Many individuals realize the positive effects of vitamin D, and how the nutritional supplement can keep bones strong and healthy in addition to treating certain pains. However, a new study is suggesting that patients who suffer from multiple sclerosis (MS) in addition to having low vitamin D levels may also suffer from physical disabilities or

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