The Key to Acid/Alkaline Balance Is Your Diet!

According to the Journal of Longevity, declining health can be attributed to acid overload. This toxic condition can occur when your acid/alkaline balance is not maintained. The result of an acid system includes circulation problems, heart troubles, fatigue and low energy, premature aging, stiff joints, memory loss, lack of sex drive, constipation, bloating, breathing difficulties, skin problems and the threat of serious terminal illnesses.

Acid overload happens when waste builds up in your body—bad cholesterol, fatty acids, uric acid, sulfates and phosphates, just to name a few. This waste clogs up your healthy cells and tissues and causes you to get sick.

But there’s a simple way to measure your acid to alkaline ratio. You can take test strips and dip them in your saliva or urine. Depending on the color of the strip once exposed to your bodily fluid, you can use a chart to determine your levels. The scale ranges from zero to 14, with the lowest being the most acidic and the highest being the most alkaline. For optimum health, you should aim for a 7.5 measurement.

If you find you are more acidic, foods can help regulate your alkaline balance. Alkaline foods include vegetables, fruits, tofu, goat’s milk, soy products, nuts, seeds, protein whey powder, mineral water and green tea. Acid-forming foods to avoid include fatty meats, dairy products, artificial sweeteners and sugars, processed foods, starchy beans and vegetables, soda drinks, beer, wine and white breads.

By consuming a diet made of 80 percent alkaline foods and 20 percent acid-forming foods while drinking at least eight glasses of alkaline water daily, you’re bound to see an improvement in your health in only one year or less!