Optimism not ideal for weight loss

A new study has linked personality traits with weight loss success. The findings published in the journal BioPsychoSocial Medicine suggest that individuals with high levels of self-orientation and optimism were less likely to lose weight than those who needed counseling to improve their self-awareness. Researchers in Japan psychologically profiled more than 100 obese patients for

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Natural remedies boost sinus health, says expert

Sinus problems are unpleasant, cause a great deal of discomfort and in some cases can be difficult to treat using traditional methods. However, some practitioners have obtained great results using natural therapies. According to Dr. Mark Pitstick, a health commentator writing a column for the Chillicothe Gazette, those suffering from sinus problems should consider using

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Moderate Alcohol Intake May Have Positive Effects On Heart Health

Numerous studies have suggested that a conservative amount of alcohol may improve cardiovascular health, reduce blood pressure or improve cholesterol. A recent meta-study has confirmed this effect, after its authors combed through mare than 4,600 prior medical reports. Researchers from the U.S. and Canada determined that drinking a moderate amount of alcohol, and not too

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Researcher: Weight loss better than insulin therapy for diabetics

People with insulin-resistant type 2 diabetes should seek to cut calories and increase their level of physical activity rather than using insulin therapy, a UT Southwestern Medical Center researcher has claimed. Writing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Roger Unger said that intensive insulin therapy is not indicated

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Study Points To Folic Acid’s Benefits For Offspring’s Cognitive Ability

Nearly all major U.S. public health organizations recommend that pregnant women take vitamin supplements containing folic acid. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, mothers-to-be should get more than the dose typically recommended for average adults – that is, more than 400 micrograms. But why? Besides reducing the risk of neural tube defects in newborns,

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