Tips to Help Avoid Migraine Pain!

If you’ve ever experienced the deep, throbbing pain of a migraine—you know this isn’t just your average headache. For many folks, it can mean the total disruption of everyday life activities!

So what causes migraines? According to the Mayo Clinic, migraines can occur when levels of the brain chemical serotonin rise—and then drop sharply. This leaves the blood vessels in your brain swollen and inflamed.

Although many folks have a family history of migraines, there are other dietary or environmental triggers including:

  • Alcohol, especially beer and red wine
  • Processed meat and cheeses
  • Aspartame
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  • Stress
  • Hormonal changes
  • Erratic meal or sleep schedules

Although there’s no easy way to tame a migraine, Fred Sheftell, M.D., president of the American Council for Headache Education, recommends keeping a “headache diary.” This includes recording the frequency of attacks… their severity… and the foods you have eaten in the 25 hours prior.

Sheftell also recommends:

  • Taking vitamin supplements—such as vitamins E, B2 and B6. These nutrients can help stabilize estrogen and serotonin levels.
  • Using relaxation techniques—such as deep breathing, yoga or meditation.
  • Exercise regularly—to relieve stress and boost your production of pain-relieving endorphin chemicals.

Many folks resort to over-the-counter painkillers—which can cause stomach problems and liver damage! You can also consider some natural remedies such as fish oil supplements and the anti-inflammatory herb feverfew. You may experience sweet relief—without any health-damaging side effects!