We take care of our major organs such as the heart and the brain. But what about overall health when it comes to alkaline balance in your cells and tissues? Acid overload, or unbalanced alkalinity, can lead to a weakened heart and decreased circulation irregular digestion and bowel movements joint and muscle aches increased fatigue levels decreased sexual performance and desire and accelerated aging.
The critical balance between acidity and alkalinity is measured on a scale of 0 to 14 known as the pHor potential of hydrogen. On this scale, 0 to 7 is acid, 7 is neutral and 7 to 14 is alkaline. If youre a healthy person with perfectly balanced pH, you would have a reading of about 7.4 in your blood and about 7.25 in your tissues. However, most people fall in the acidic range of 6.2 to 6.4.
Why? Because we Americans are overrun with stressful lifestyles that lead to dehydration and poor diet.
Just as acid can ruin your car battery, increased acidity in your cells and tissues can eat away at the linings of your arteries and increase your chances of both brain and cardiovascular problems erode cartilage and cause inflamed joints and damage skin cells which contributes to premature wrinkling and other aging issues.
But thats not the only damage you face. Excess acid can cause blood sugar problems, high blood pressure, calcium-deprived bones, low energy, poor circulation, sexual problems, sleep problems, leg cramps and a host of other issues.
However, by understanding the importance of the acid/alkaline balance in your bodyand taking steps to reverse acid overloadyou can decrease your chances of poor health and improve your mental and physical well-being for years to come.