Sugar consumption linked to aging

Sugar consumption linked to agingNew research from the University of Montreal sheds light on the mechanism behind high sugar intake’s aging effects.

Scientists have long believed that the by-products of sugar breakdown in the cells for the purpose of energy production were the main culprits behind the aging process.

However, a team of researchers from Montreal was able to demonstrate that if the ability of cells to sense the presence of glucose in the blood is genetically altered their lifespan is extended.

They did so by removing the gene for a glucose sensor from yeast cells and observed that they lived just as long as those on a glucose-restricted diet.

While an interesting discovery from the point of view of medical research, it is clear that its application to humans is currently limited as cells cannot be manipulated at that level.

Rather, it serves as yet another reminder that high sugar consumption, and the resulting high blood sugar level, lead to serious metabolic disorders such as diabetes that impact the quality of life and may ultimately shorten it.