Study: Fewer diabetics are losing vision

Study finds vision problems are less common among diabetics than in previous yearsIt’s becoming less common for diabetics to lose their vision, according to a new study.

Researchers in Wisconsin followed nearly 1,000 type-1 diabetics between 1980 and 2007. They found that visual impairment is less common among those diagnosed after 1970, according to Reuters. The results also took into account age, blood pressure and other factors that can affect sight in diabetics.

They say better blood sugar control and improved treatment of diabetes-related eye disorders are preventing more cases of visual impairment than in previous years.

“I think the implication is that the translation of findings from clinical trials over the past 20 years…into clinical care has resulted in reduction of vision loss,” said study author Dr. Ronald Klein.

Reuters points out that experts recommend that people with diabetes have an eye exam at least once per year to detect diabetic retinopathy and other eye disorders early, so that progression can be prevented or delayed.

Obesity and family history are among the risk factors for developing diabetes.

Health experts say proper nutrition and maintaining a healthy weight are natural ways to reduce the risk of getting the disease.

In addition, nutritional health supplements containing chromium, magnesium and vanadium have been used to manage diabetes, according to WebMD.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19396353-ADNFCR