Scientists May Have Found a Way to Trick the Body into Producing More Energy

No matter what food you eat, if you exert more energy, you could lose weightResearchers have discovered that while may help an individual lose weight, there are certain ways to trick the body into consuming more energy, which can ultimately result in a slimmer figure.

According to a study published in the journal, Cell Metabolism, when a chemical that blocks an enzyme called Fyn kinase was given to a test subject mouse, they almost immediately began burning more fat.

Obesity typically occurs when the individual consumes a much higher amount of food calories than they burn, which can ultimately lead to weight gain. When a chemical drug known as SU6656 was given to the test mice, their Fyn Kinase function was blocked, which ultimately led them to burn more energy and begin losing weight.

Doctors are hopeful that this experiment may be able to serve as a treatment for weight loss after more tests have been conducted on the side effects.

“This is a new mechanism to help the body to burn extra energy,” said researcher Claire Bastie.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19596475-ADNFCR