Research: You can cut calories without harming bone density

Diet without hurting bone densityFans of calorie restriction diets claim it offers a myriad of benefits, from lower blood pressure and weight loss to the possibility of a longer life.

However, some have questioned whether the eating plan, in which followers cut their caloric intake by between 20 and 40 percent daily, could negatively affect bone density.

Now, new research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine has determined that calorie restriction diets are no more risky for bone health than other diets.

Dr. Leanne M. Redman led a team that compared the bone density of four groups of people who stuck to different diet and exercise plans.

They found that participants who lost over 10 percent of their body weight from restricting calories did not demonstrate a difference in bone health compared with the control group.

If you decide to begin a calorie restriction diet, make sure that you are still receiving proper nutrients in line with recommendations of health experts.

Those who are looking for an eating plan that can help give them long-lasting energy may want to consider an alkaline diet, which can help bodies maintain an optimum pH balance.