Protecting the heart in a stressful economy

Healthy foods are good for the heartStress can affect a person’s health in a negative way – and the current economic situation offers may reasons for Americans’ stress levels to rise.

A number of UCLA cardiologists have offered recommendations on how to protect your heart health during challenging economic times.

Dr. Karol Watson offered his tips as good advice for the current period, but they may also be applied at any time.

For one thing, Watson suggested people should avoid foods that are high in salt and fat. Cooking at home and buying fresh ingredients may help toward this end.

Exercise is also key to keeping your heart in top form, he said, explaining that even if you can’t afford a gym membership there are lower-cost options including walking and swimming that most people can take part in.

Quitting smoking is another preventive health measure that can give the heart a boost, as well as save money, Watson suggested.

“Much of heart disease can be prevented – that’s why it is so important to follow a healthy lifestyle and to control your cardiovascular risk factors,” he said.

Oral chelation is another method that some people have turned to in order to maintain a healthy blood pressure and lower cardiovascular risk.