Consuming a healthy amount of potassium salts could lower one’s blood pressure, according to findings published in the journal <i>Archives of Internal Medicine.</i>
While a combination of healthy diet choices and physical activity proves beneficial for those with high blood pressure, increasing one’s consumption of potassium can also prevent this health problem.
During the recent study, researchers collected potassium intake information from a total of 21 countries, and found that consumption ranged from 1.7 to 3.7 grams per day. These findings prove that people do not get enough of the nutrient on a regular basis, as 4.7 grams per day is recommended to achieve optimal health benefits.
The researchers concluded that minor dietary adjustments can improve intake, such as changing to a potassium-based salt. The team also suggests avoiding high-sodium foods and incorporating more sources into one’s diet that are enriched with potassium, such as fruits and vegetables.
For individuals who are interested in another natural alternative to lowering their blood pressure, a recent study conducted at Temple University in Philadelphia has found that eating brown rice on a regular basis can help prevent this health complication as well as other cardiovascular diseases.