Estrogen Therapy Linked To Ovarian, Breast Cancer

Use of estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) may increase a postmenopausal woman’s risk of ovarian cancer, according to findings published in the journal Cancer Research. Furthermore, ERT may advance breast cancer, which starts in lymph nodes located under the arms. Researchers gave hormone treatments to mice that developed estrogen receptor positive ovarian cancer, a form of

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Determining the Energy Gap Could Lead to Weight Loss

When people are trying to lose weight, they sometimes try an alkaline diet rich in fruits and vegetables. However, a new study suggests that one’s daily amount of energy exerted could be a successful way to maintain weight loss. According to findings from the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, when patients determined their energy

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Potassium Levels May Account For Imbalance In Type 2 Diabetes Diagnoses

Getting the right amounts of vitamins and minerals can keep individuals healthy; it can also head off numerous preventable diseases. In that vein, researchers have recently suggested that potassium deficiencies may be at least partially to blame for the high rates of type 2 diabetes in certain populations. Scientists at Johns Hopkins University and the

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Supplement might ease and cure cataracts

Cataract sufferers experience poor vision and often undergo lens replacement to eliminate the visual obstructions caused by this condition. However, the American Chemical Society’s recent research indicated that carnosine, a dietary supplement, may help stop cataracts from forming. A report by Life Extension Magazine outlines that carnosine may be taken to rejuvenate the body as

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Monounsaturated Fats Can Help Improve Cholesterol Levels

A new study has found that monounsaturated fats (MUFA) can help improve cholesterol levels in some individuals. The research, published in Canadian Medical Association Journal, indicated that the risk for individuals to develop cardiovascular disease is greater when there are low HDL-C levels and high LDL-C levels. For people to maintain healthy amounts of these

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