Report: Spine Stimulation May Benefit Parkinson’s Disease Patients

Patients who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) may have relief from symptoms associated with the condition in the near future, according to a study presented at the 2010 American Society for Stereotactical and Functional Neurosurgery. In an effort to find potential treatments for individuals with the nervous system disorder, a team of researchers

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Genetic testing for blood clots shows mixed results

With greater technology and studies of the human genome, some scientists are able to examine DNA for a wider range of conditions. However, a recent study has revealed that there is no proof that such genetic testing will help those susceptible to blood clots caused by deep-vein thrombosis. Such individuals tend to be those who

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Almonds show antioxidant effect

Researchers have found that adding almonds to one’s diet can decrease the levels of biomarkers for oxidative stress, lending more evidence to the antioxidant effect of the tree nut. The study, conducted on 27 men and women with elevated cholesterol, found that those who ate a “full dose” (2.5 ounces) of almonds reduced their plasma

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Obese cancer patients may need more vitamin D, study says

According to researchers from the Cancer Treatment Centers of American (CTCA), body mass index (BMI)of cancer patients should be taken into consideration when determining their vitamin D supplementation needs. The researchers evaluated a group of 740 cancer patients and concluded that those who are obese (BMI higher than 30) had significantly lower levels of vitamin

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Homeopathy patients report lasting improvements

Despite the fact that homeopathy has not been embraced by the conventional medical community, many people who use this type of alternative therapy say they experience improvements, new research reveals. A German and Swiss study looked at the effects of homeopathy on patients suffering from chronic conditions including headaches, allergies and sleep disorders, Reuters Health

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