Insomnia linked to ‘fat’ hormone

While several studies have pointed to a possible connection between poor sleep habits and weight gain, scientists have identified a hormone that stimulates appetite and is affected when people do not sleep properly. UCLA researchers studied the level of ghrelin, a hormone in the stomach that increases appetite, among both insomniacs and those with healthy

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Zen Practitioners Can Reap Health Benefits, Research Suggest

While it is widely known that natural health resources like Zen meditation offer many benefits, scientists from the University of Montreal recently discovered the reasons as to why Zen practitioners reap these benefits. Through previous studies, the scientists have found that Zen meditators have the ability to reduce their pain sensitivity. In turn, individuals who

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Genetic Variants May Help Advance Asthma Treatments

Different genetic changes may increase one’s likelihood of developing asthma, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. By discovering these variants, researchers may be able to improve current treatments for patients with the disorder. In order to better understand the susceptibility of this disorder, researchers examined DNA samples from a

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