Supplements Can Lower Risk Of Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy-related disease that affects about 5 percent of first-time mothers, and recent research has revealed that taking certain supplements may reduce the risk of the condition. A study published in the British Medical Journal found that women who consumed nutrition bars that contained vitamins and the amino acid L-arginine were significantly

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Low-Carbohydrate Dietary Regimen Proven Beneficial To Obese Women

Women who are overweight may benefit from following a carbohydrate-reduced diet in order to lose weight, according to findings presented at The Endrocrine Society’s Annual Meeting. During a three-month trial, researchers from the University of Nevada School of Medicine enrolled 45 female participants aged 18 to 65 years old with insulin resistance. The team split

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Sinus Syndrome Linked To Cardiac Arrest In Sleeping People

A sinus-related health problem may be linked to the deaths of people who suffer sudden cardiac arrest while sleeping, according to findings published in the journal, Circulation Research. Sudden cardiac arrest happens when an individual loses consciousness, which occurs more often at night because the heart beats at a lower slower rate. Researchers conducted the

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