Heart Health Diet May Prevent Kidney Stone Formation

Heart Health Diet May Prevent Kidney Stone FormationA dietary regimen that helps lower one’s blood pressure may also help stave off kidney stones, according to a study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology. This recommended diet for those looking to prevent this cardiovascular complication includes high intake of dairy products, fruits, nuts, vegetables and whole grains.

During a 24-trial period, a team of researchers had more than 3,400 participants follow the blood pressure-related diet or their normal regimen. The investigators then collected urine samples from all the individuals who had a history of kidney stones and those who didn’t experience the problem.

The results of the study showed that those who followed the specific diet excreted more urine, which helped their bodies better prevent kidney stone formation. Furthermore, the researchers discovered that the healthier foods increased the level of citrate in the body, which is a nutrient that prevents the development of the stones.

“This diet could be important for keeping stones from reappearing in people who suffer from them,” stated Eric Taylor, lead author of the trial. He concluded that “we believe our results provide a strong rationale for a randomized trial examining the effect of the diet on kidney stone recurrence.”

Individuals who are looking for foods specific to preventing kidney stones can benefit from drinking cranberry, grapefruit or orange juice, according to WebMD.com.