Flu-fighting foods

Garlic may help fight the fluYou’ve heard that chicken soup can help cure the aches and pains associated with the flu and now experts are touting the benefits of some other flu-fighting foods.

Registered dietician Andrea Garen says that a healthy diet is important all year round, but particularly during the flu season. “Adding flu-fighting foods like yogurt, garlic, citrus and chicken to your diet can boost your body’s immune system and help you to avoid getting sick,” she says.

Previous research has suggested that low levels of vitamin D, found in milk and other dairy products, is linked to a seasonal increase in cold and flu and a higher incidence of respiratory infections. Cultured milk products, like yogurt, also contain probiotics which are beneficial bacteria with immunity-boosting benefits.

A potent ingredient to some, garlic may also help boost the immune system and fight off sickness, Garen adds.

Citrus fruits, like oranges and lemons, contain vitamin C while chicken, meat and peanuts all contain zinc. Both are also considered to aid in immunity.

Frequent hand-washing is one of the best health resources to fight the flu. In addition, taking nutritional health supplements containing these flu-fighting vitamins and minerals is a good option.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19368806-ADNFCR