Cutting Television Viewing May Help Keep Obesity at Bay

Those who watched less television burned more calories throughout the dayIn addition to consuming like guarana to help speed up the metabolism, a new study indicates that cutting down television time may help as well.

Researchers discovered that individuals who used an electric lock-out system to cut their TV viewing in half used more energy over a three-week period, resulting in burning more calories, according to a study found in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Background information in the article reveals that Americans watch an average of five hours of television a day, allowing TV viewers more time to exercise. Cutting TV usage may also help with chronic sleep deprivation, which has been linked to obesity.

Test results showed that those who cut their television usage in half burned an average of 119 more calories a day. Results also indicated that those who lowered their TV viewing consumed 244 calories less than they burned each day.

The researchers believe that this kind of behavior could result in gradual weight loss over time.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19514680-ADNFCR