It may be beneficial for individuals to incorporate more foods with high levels of B-vitamins, as researchers are suggesting that the may help protect against stroke and heart disease.
According to HealthDay News, a new study is suggesting that people who eat a diet high in B-vitamins are less likely to die from cardiovascular disease, as they help reduce levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that is found in the blood. The acid is typically affected by heredity and dietary intake.
During a study on more than 23,000 men and 36,000 women, researchers measured the diets of participants. They then conducted a 14-year follow-up to determine the participantsÂ’ health outcomes. It was found that 986 people died of stroke, 424 died of heart disease and 2,087 succumbed to diseases related to the cardiovascular system.
The study found that consumption of folate and vitamin B-6 may help reduce the risk of heart failure in men, while these same may help decrease the chance of death from stroke or heart attack in women, according to Web MD.