A few extra pounds can increase heart failure risk

Extra weight can put your heart at riskNew research suggests that even being moderately overweight can raise your risk of suffering from heart failure.

Findings published in the journal Circulation reveal that the chances of heart failure increase in relation to the amount of extra weight a person carries.

As part of the study, approximately 21,000 American men were followed for 20 years. By the end, 1,109 subjects had developed heart failure.

After analyzing the results, the researchers determined that obese men increased their risk of heart failure by 180 percent, while overweight men faced a 49 percent higher risk.

Obesity is defined as having a body mass index of 30 or more, while overweight is a BMI of between 25 and 30.

“What this study shows is that even overweight men who are not obese have an increase in heart failure risk,” commented lead author Dr. Satish Kenchaiah, according to HealthDay News.

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