How To Eliminate Wax Buildup Without Damaging Your Ear

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation (AAO-HNSF), more than 12 million people visit the doctor for troubles associated with ear wax buildup. And the foundation has offered guidelines regarding the best and worst ways to deal with the problem. Ear wax is a protective mixture of secretions from your inner

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Do Your Bathroom Products Have A Shelf Life?

If you’re thinking that some of your health and beauty aids are starting to pass their expiration date… here are some tips for deciding how long to keep and use some common products. You should consider: Tossing your contact lens solution after three months. After you open the seal, germs may easily contaminate the solution.

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What Are The Risks Associated With LASIK Eye Surgery?

The vision-correcting LASIK surgery has received much acclaim from people over the past decade. But the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said some people may be ignoring the risks and complications associated with this delicate surgery. LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) surgeons use a laser to cut a small flap in the cornea of the

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Avoid Overeating By Making Smart Food Choices

With the holidays approaching, you may find it hard to resist many of the treats and heavy meals. But with the right portion control, you can sail through the next two months without worrying about the impact of your diet on your health. According to a study by researchers from Summa Health System in Ohio,

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Are There Drugs In Your Cabinet That Could Lead To Memory Loss?

Bladder control problems affect men and women due to nerve damage and loss of muscle tone, and for men, an enlarged prostate. With sales totaling more than $3 billion according to IMS Health, incontinence drugs—many classified as anticholinergics—continue to flood the market, but often lead to an increased risk for memory loss and mental decline.

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Walking Can Boost Your Body And Mind

Walking is one of the simplest forms of exercise because you can enjoy it at most all ages and it’s not hard to incorporate into your daily routine. You can take time to walk before or after work, or during your lunch break. Even walking around indoors while you do chores or talk on the

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Anorexia May Lead To Vision Complications

People who suffer from anorexia may be at a higher risk of developing eye damage, according to a study published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology. Researchers measured the eyes’ electrical activity and the thickness of the macula, which is the part of the eye that processes light and controls central vision, in 13 women

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Can Pollution Damage Your Heart Muscle?

If you have diseased coronary arteries, then your health and safety may depend on you avoiding heavily polluted areas. A new study suggests tiny particles in polluted air can cause a short circuit in your heart’s electrical wiring. A recent study monitored 48 Boston-area patients hospitalized for either a heart attack, angina or worsening symptoms

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