Yes, thats right antibiotics can do a lot more harm than good. In fact, according to a USA Today health article, antibiotics have a 5 to 25 percent chance of causing diarrhea send at least one out of every 1,000 people to the hospital with allergic reactions and only help one out of every 4,000 people avoid serious complications.
However, millions of Americans continue to demand antibiotics to treat colds, flu and other respiratory infections. Jeffrey Linder, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, stresses the importance of knowing the risks and benefits. Theres a very small chance this antibiotic will help you, but a much bigger risk that it will hurt you.
Linder insists that antibiotics are useless for colds, influenza, most sore throats and a large majority of bronchitis cases. The reason is because these illnesses are viral and antibiotics only kill bacteria.
The widespread use of antibiotics can cause the elimination of all the GOOD bacteria in your digestive and intestinal system. These healthy flora called probiotics help break down food, assist in the absorption of essential nutrients and keep bad bacteria from multiplying and attaching to the walls of your intestines.
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