Survey Suggests Menopause Symptoms May Be Severely Disruptive

Survey suggests menopause symptoms may be severely disruptive A new study has found that menopause can present a whole spectrum of symptoms and some of the more severe ones can have a profoundly negative impact on a woman’s quality of life.

The Menopause Impact Survey was sponsored by Duramed Pharmaceuticals and found a majority of women (67 percent) reported their menopause negatively impacted their personal health and well-being, while 58 percent experienced a lower quality of sex life and a worsening of their relationship with their significant other (52 percent).

A staggering 87 percent of respondents have also admitted to experiencing anxiety, depression and mood swings, and these symptoms negatively impacted their relationships, family life and career.

“What’s interesting about this survey is that so many women reported that menopause impacted their interpersonal relationships, sex lives and social lives,” says Bob Berkowitz, a relationship expert and noted author.

“That’s why it’s so important for women to be open with those in their lives, especially their partners and healthcare providers,” he adds.

For those struggling with bothersome menopause symptoms, health practitioners have recommended proper diet, exercise and nutritional supplements as well as massages and reflexology treatments that may minimize hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, weight gain or fatigue.
